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Initiatives for Pre & Primary School

Welcome to the section dedicated to the initiatives of the Pre & Primary School at Andersen International School. We are proud to offer our students many opportunities to enrich their school experience through special activities and events. Among these, the Science Fair, the Book Fair, and the Chocolate Fair stand out, promoting interest in science, reading, and creativity, respectively.
In addition, we offer workshops dedicated to mindfulness and wildlife photography, guided tours of museums and botanical gardens, musical workshops, and much more. Finally, we celebrate our Y6 students with the Andersen Graduation ceremony, which is an important and emotional moment for all of us.


More than a school, a philosophy for growth

Science Fair 
Annual Fair 
Exhibition and best project competition

Book Fair 
Annual Fair
“The power of reading”

Chocolate fair
Annual Fair
Project “Chocolate creations”

Laboratorio di meditazione e crescita personale

Wildlife Photography Exhibition

The botanical garden

Castello Malpaga
Il villaggio ecologico autososostenibile

Cumbia Musical Workshop

Science Museum

Circolo polare Antartico
Workshop alla scoperta dei ghiacci

History of our planet

La scala
“Un viaggio all’interno della musica classica”

Castello Sforzesco 
Laboratory “The enchanted castle”
CLIL project

Accademia del Silenzio
By Paolo Anselmi

Binario 21 
Shoah e la giornata della memoria

Parco della Preistoria
Alla scoperta dei dinosauri e del vecchio mondo

Maths Andersen Championship

Sports week
Andersen Sports Championship

Sports trip to the mountains

Street Safty Laboratory

Incontro con Gherardo Colombo
Ex Magistrato Italiano

Museum of Cultures

Villa Visconti Borromeo Litta

The Choir concerts 
Direttore Massimo Fiocchi Malaspina

Y6 Andersen Graduation